Sliderline control

Slider control to select value on a scale



Please see the UgSliderControlDemo project for the source code created in this chapter. See Installing examples for information on how to download the examples from


The SliderLine control is a range control that allows you to set a range. We will rename sliderline to slider control in one of our future releases.

SliderLine Properties and Methods

onSlide: [SCDWidgetsSlideLineEvent]Array to append slide events. It has both the oldValue and newValue attributes.oldValue is the value before the slide, while newValue is the value after the slide.
positionCurrent position within the rangeType Int
minValueMinimum rangeType Int. Default 1
maxValueMaximum rangeType Int. Default 100
Background LineIt sets the color of the sliderline's inactive part.Type Color
Foreground LineIt decides what color the slider line's active area will be.Type Color
Thumban object that moves horizontally anytime the sliderline control is dragged.Can be set to either None, Rect, Circle, Elipse or Image
BulletFor adjusting the size of the ThumbWidth, Height and Opacity

Working with the SliderLine Control

  1. Create a new page
  2. Drag and drop the sliderline control on the page
  3. Name the control sliderLine
  4. Use the sliderline control's layout properties to size and position it
  1. Use the page editor panel to change the sliderline control properties from their respective default values
  1. Set the label.text from within the event via SCDWidgetsSliderLineEventHandler. Ensure to cast ev.newValue to a string before assigning it to label.text for displaying the sliding percentage progress.
import ScadeKit
class MainPageAdapter: SCDLatticePageAdapter {

  var percentage: String = "0"

  // page adapter initialization
  override func load(_ path: String) {
    sliderLine.onSlide.append(SCDWidgetsSliderLineEventHandler { ev in self.onSlide(ev: ev!) })

  func onSlide(ev: SCDWidgetsSliderLineEvent) {

    let oldValue = ev.oldValue
    let newValue = ev.newValue
    self.percentage = "\(ev.newValue)"
    label.text = String(newValue)
    print("Old ---> new \(oldValue), \(newValue)")

This results in

Configuring SliderLine Properties Programmatically

Add the ScadeExtensions repo dependency under the dependencies section of the Package.swift file of your project as it's required for using the ScadeUI library.

.package(name: "ScadeExtensions", url: "", .branch("main"))

Currently, using the ScadeUI dependency is required to programmatically configure the sliderline properties such as the bullet, backgroundLine, and foregroundLine.

import ScadeKit
import ScadeUI

class MainPageAdapter: SCDLatticePageAdapter {

  // page adapter initialization
  override func load(_ path: String) {

    sliderLine.bullet?.width = 28
    sliderLine.bullet?.height = 28
    sliderLine.backgroundLine?.height = 2
    sliderLine.backgroundLine?.opacity = 100
    sliderLine.foregroundLine?.height = 2
    sliderLine.foregroundLine?.opacity = 100

onSlide() Method with the ScadeUI Library

Additionally, with the help of the ScadeUI library, you can also listen to events via the onSlide() method without using the SCDWidgetsSliderLineEventHandler.

import ScadeKit
import ScadeUI

class MainPageAdapter: SCDLatticePageAdapter {

  var percentage: String = "0"

  // page adapter initialization
  override func load(_ path: String) {
    sliderLine.onSlide { event in
      print(event.newValue, event.oldValue)
      self.percentage = "\(event.newValue)"
      self.label.text = String(event.newValue)